10 tips to ditch seasickness on a boat

Woman feels dizzy while riding on a boat

Ahh, boating.

There’s nothing quite like it.

The wind in your hair, the fresh ocean breeze…

It would be a real shame to miss out on the joys of boat life because you get seasick.

With Christmas and New Year’s just around the corner, there’s absolutely no excuse for not enjoying some time out on your boat.

We’ve put together 10 great tips on how you can avoid getting seasick when out on a boat.

What is seasickness and what causes it?

It’s all sensory. Your body is getting a whack of mixed messages and it’s confused. Really confused. Seasickness happens when your internal balance system (your inner ear, eyes and sensory nerves) senses that your body is moving, but the other parts do not.

Water splashing of a boat in the sea

So, while your inner ear may be fully detecting the rocking motion of the waves, your eyes don’t really detect much motion at all. This all confuses your brain and in turn, makes you feel green.

Seasick symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Gas
  • Malaise
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Look, we get it – feeling seasick is enough to put you off boating forever. But don’t let it stop you (or your guests!) from experiencing the very best of boat life.

We’ve got some great tips to help you ditch that seasickness and have fun while out boating.

10 tips to ditch seasickness on a boat

1. Belly first

Before setting sail, make sure to avoid heavy, fatty and acidic foods. As for drinks, stay away from citrus juices and downing too much alcohol. In fact, it’s best to stay away from alcohol altogether. We know, we know…not very festive. But it can help to beat those seasick blues when out on a boat.

2. Ginger

Having some ginger on hand is a great way to beat nausea. In fact, it’s been successfully used as a nausea remedy for centuries. Whether you do it raw, crystallised or brewed in a tea, this solution is super simple and convenient when you’re feeling queasy on a boat.

3. Focus on the horizon

If the rocky waves and sway of the boat is causing unease, ditch the phone scrolling and try to focus on a fixed point on the horizon. This gives the brain a point of reference and helps to minimise the weird sensory signals while boating.

If you’re out on the open seas and don’t have anything to focus on, it’s best to just kick back somewhere comfy and close your eyes.

Captain of the boat, holding the steering wheel while checking the ocean

4. Shield the sun

It’s always best to stay out of direct sun, but especially so if you’re prone to getting seasick. In fact, becoming overheated can lead to dehydration which can bring on some super nasty symptoms of seasickness, including a whopping headache.

5. Stay hydrated

No, we’re not talking about having a glass of champagne – though should always be on the agenda! Staying hydrated with water is key in keeping your body settled while on a boat. But remember – don’t guzzle! Take regular sips to stave off seasickness and keep that body hydrated.

6. Go bland

Yes, it’s boring, but munching on plain crackers or plain white bread is a good way to settle the stomach if it’s feeling a little off while on a boat. It’s also the best way to get something in your stomach without aggravating the nausea. Once you’re feeling better, you can move onto the good stuff.

7. Get fresh

Getting a good dose of fresh air does wonders for settling any discomfort caused by feeling seasick. Head to the front of the boat, kick back on the catamaran net (or anywhere else that’s comfy) and enjoy that ocean breeze.

Woman with hat and sunlight on her face while drinking water

8. Higher living

If you’re feeling unsettled while on a boat, try to get high. On the highest level of the boat, that is. While it may seem tempting to head down to the cabin for a lie down, it’s best to stick to the top of the boat as you’re less likely to feel the rocking.

9. Plug it

This one’s an old sailor’s tale! Insert an earplug (or rolled up tissue) in one of your ears. Yes, really. Because seasickness is caused by conflicting signals heading to your brain from your eyes and inner ears, plugging one of your ears leads your brain to focus solely on your eyes.

Since your eyes are detecting movement, this makes your brain realise that the rocking of the boat is completely normal and all is fine and dandy.

TIP: Make sure to block the ear that is the opposite of your dominant hand. We’re not sure why this is, but let’s go with it.

Different medicines inside a medicine kit

10. Get medicated

There are scores of medications on the market that work well to combat seasickness. From pills to patches, have a chat with your pharmacist to sort out which will best suit you.

But keep in mind that some of the pills on the market can cause drowsiness.

There we have it – 10 great tips on how to ditch seasickness while you’re out on a boat.

Now, that you’re ready and equipped, why not check out our amazing fleet and find your dream boat? The boat life is waiting…


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